Make A Payment :: Required Payer Document (Payer Identification Number) per Country
Country Name Document
N - Number
Validation Reg. Expression
AR Argentina DNI or CUIT - Between 7 to 9, or 11 digits ^(?=[0-9]*$)(?:.{7,9}|.{11})$
BO Bolivia CI - Between 5 to 20 digits ^(?=[0-9]*$)(?:.{5,20})$
BR Brazil CPF NNN.NNN.NNN-NN 11 digit number ^(\d{3}\.\d{3}\.\d{3}-\d{2})$
CL Chile CI/RUT - Between 8 to 9 characters ^(?:.{8,9})$
CN China Citizen ID number
- 18 digits, and the last digit is a number or letter X ^([1-9]\d{5}(19|20)\d{2}((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))(([0-2][1-9])|10|20|30|31)\d{3}[0-9Xx])$
CO Colombia CC - Between 6 to 10 digits ^(?=[0-9]*$)(?:.{6,10})$
EC Ecuador CI - Between 5 to 20 digits ^(?=[0-9]*$)(?:.{5,20})$
EG Egypt ID - 14 digits ^(?=[0-9]*$)(?:.{14})$
IN India PAN LLLLLNNNNL 10 characters
(5 letters, 4 numbers, 1 letter)
ID Indonesia NIK - 16 digits ^(?=[0-9]*$)(?:.{16})$
MX Mexico CURP - Between 10 to 18 characters ^(?:.{10,18})$
MA Morocco CNIE - Between 5 to 20 characters ^(?:.{5,20})$
NG Nigeria NIN - 11 digits ^(?=[0-9]*$)(?:.{11})$
PY Paraguay CI - Between 5 to 20 digits ^(?=[0-9]*$)(?:.{5,20})$
PE Peru DNI - Between 8 to 9 digits ^(?=[0-9]*$)(?:.{8,9})$
ZA South Africa ID - Between 5 to 20 digits ^(?=[0-9]*$)(?:.{5,20})$
TR Turkey T.C. Kimlik No. - Between 5 to 20 digits ^(?=[0-9]*$)(?:.{5,20})$
US USA SSN NNN-NN-NNNN 9 digits ^(?!000|666)[0-8][0-9]{2}-(?!00)[0-9]{2}-(?!0000)[0-9]{4}$
UY Uruguay CI - Between 6 to 8 digits ^(?=[0-9]*$)(?:.{6,8})$